
"Pitcher" progress

Here is the second pass on the pitcher animation. I've moved around some keys, timing, and pushed some poses. After getting the critique I went in and evaluated references and acting it out to get more sense on how this needs to feel and look like.

Believe it or not, there there is some more critique. Animation is....well, reanimation.

Critique notes:

- The final expression needs to read dazed

- The leg needs to kick up more

-The foot needs twisting on the pose where he releases the ball

-Flatten the hips on the last pose

-A bit more timing on the reaction

-The motion of the pitch seems slow

-Tone down the anicipation of the reaction

-It needs a hop because the momentum breaks when he catches himself

-Making sure that all the silhouettes reads in all the poses

There will be more critique and more animation.

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